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Thursday, September 4, 2014

20 Gallon Long Frag Tank Update

So since I was already doing a water change in the display I figured I would do one in the frag tank as well. Ever since I took the Scopus tank out of here and added the RBTA's I've been having a bit of an algae problem as you can see from the pictures. I wanted something else to help control it so when I was at my LFS I bought a small Sailfin Tang and an emerald crab to help keep the hair algae down until I can get a bigger filter.

In the previous post I mentioned that I bought a few pieces of Green Staghorn that were thrown into the LR bin at my LFS. They are a little worse for wear, but I may be able to bring them back with a little care. I cut some small pieces off the three bigger ones because the tissue wasn't attached. For some reason, I'm thinking that these small frags will recover better than the bigger ones. The tissue has become very thin due to being in the LR bin for a day or two with crappy light and water.

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