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Monday, September 15, 2014

Red Bugs: Bayer Complete Insect Killer

This is going to be the recipe that was posted up on by a member going by the name of jcarmon81 last year around this time. Here is the link to the thread and the post and his observations with it are towards the bottom.

Of course I wont be using 30 Cups of it so I'll be scaling it down and storing a bit for when it's needed. I'll post my observations as well just to give my opinion on it to add to the multiple good reviews I've seen for it on the different forums.

Items Needed: - Bayer Complete Insect Killer (found in any local hardware store)
- 5 gallons of salt water
- 3 5 gallon buckets
- frag rack

The Process:
1. Grabbed a 5 gallon bucket and clearly marked it as my pesticide bucket. Any container will do, but I would recommend it to only be use for dips in the future.

2. I measured out 30 cups of freshly mixed salt water. You can use tank water, but I had the mixed water on hand. The reason for 30 was to make sure my coral frags would be completely covered by water when I lowered them into the bucket. All of my corals were placed on a frag rack for ease of use.

3. The mix ratio is 10mL of Bayer Complete Insect Killer to .5 cups of water. I had a turkey injector that had 1fl.oz increments. It happened to work out that approximately 2fl.oz of Bayer is the exact measurement for 30 cups of SW. I extracted the Bayer Complete Insect Killer from the bottle and sprayed it into my water. I put on rubber gloves and mixed everything by hand.

4. Once I had the mixture ready I removed all of my frags from the tank and placed them on my frag rack. After everything was loaded up, I set my timer for 10 minutes. I then placed the frag rack w/ frags into the solution.

5. While waiting for the dip to do it's work, I grabbed two other 5 gallon buckets and split my remaining SW mix between the two. After the timer went off I removed the coral frags and placed them into one of the clean water buckets.

6. I removed each frag from the frag rack and shook it in the clean water to remove and residual pesticide and any hitchhikers that were left clinging to my corals. Once I was done rinsing, I placed the freshly cleaned frag into my second clean water bucket. I did this as a redundancy to make sure I was able to clean any residuals from the frags.

7. After about 5 - 10 minutes in the final rinse bucket, I removed the corals and placed them back into my tank.

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