Monday, February 20, 2017

75 Gallon Stocking List

Since I've got a little more room with the 75 gallon now and a good sump going so far, I decided that I could stock a few more things to give the tank a more real "mixed reef" look. Here's the livestock list so far:

2x Clownfish (1 regular Ocellaris and 1 snowflake)

1x Regal tang
1x Flame Fin Tomini Tang

1x Large Banded Brittle Star
Mexican Turbo Snails
Cerith snail or two
Micro Brittle stars (white and banded)

Purple Mushrooms
Yellow Yuma
Orange Yuma
Blue and Orange Ric Florida
Neon Candy Cane
Green Candy Cane
Purple Candy Cane
Acan Bowerbanki
Green Plate
Green Tongue
Maricultured Red and Green Millipora
Orange Montipora
Purple Chalice
Pink and Green Chalice
Deep Water Acro
ORA Purple Nana
Green Porcillopora
Misc Green Acro
Red Stylopora
Yellow Cup Coral
Purple and Green Hammer
Green Torch
War Favia
Bleeding Heart Favia
Maze Brain
Blue and Green Zoas
Rasta Zoas

This may look like a lot, but when the pieces are still small and the tank is this big, there is always 

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